Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Day of Atonement

Pay heed to God’s commands and do atonement properly in a regular basis.

In Leviticus 16, God gave clear instructions on the requirements and the procedures to be fulfilled on the Day of Atonement, which was to be held annually.

Into the Holy Place:

Aaron and other priests shouldn’t enter just any time into the Holy Place inside the veil lest they die. To enter properly, they must wash body, wear the holy garments (specially designed for the priests), and bring along the animals for offerings…

Nowadays, the church is the Holy Place. Preparation of the altar, the chalice, the corporal and the burse will be done before the mass. Priests ought to wash their hands, say specific prayers when they are vesting in the sacristy with a unique sequence: the amice, the alb, the cincture, the maniple, the stole and finally, the chasuble.

There is no standard clothing for the church members and yet we must dress decently. No sleeveless garment and shorts to show the bare arms and legs. No sexy clothing.

Offerings to God changed after Christ and priests live on the money donated now. Everyone silences their cell phone and pager so that the ringtone won’t interrupt the mass.

Compulsory rituals:

According to God’s commands, Aaron (priest) must make atonement for himself and his house, the Holy Sanctuary, the tabernacle, the altar, and all the people of the assembly. The rituals involved killing and burning the animal, sprinkling its blood and freeing the scapegoat. For helpers in the burning and the freeing, they must wash their clothes and body before re-entering into the camp.

Nowadays, a mass is composed of several rituals namely Introductory Rite, Penitential Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion Rite and Concluding Rite. We repent and receive the Communion to strengthen our faith.

Rules to observe:

The Day of Atonement was held annually, on every 10th of July. People must afflict their souls and work not, but let the priests do atonement for them, to cleanse them so that they could be clean from all their sins before the LORD.

Nowadays, we can confess our sins and do atonement more often. We say the prayer Act of Contrition; have Penitential Rite in the mass and Reconciliation of Individual Penitents. The minimum requirement for the last one is like the old days -- once a year.

We could afflict our souls every Friday with fasting – eat no meats, cut entertainment, do volunteer work and give alms. If possible, don’t work but take a good rest on Sunday.

Major or minor, sin separates us from God. To reconcile with the LORD, atonement is vital to free us from sins so that we could enjoy HIS presence. We can’t be lazy and careless on this crucial issue.

Let’s pray to God:

The merciful LORD, thanks for Your loving-kindness and forgiveness. Pray that more people confess their sins to You, be forgiven, reconcile with You, and in praise of Your glory shortly and forever. Amen.

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