Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wander Fruitfully

Wander fruitfully in this world so that one can go to Heaven directly and if not, to the Purgatory at least rather than to Hell

In Deuteronomy 1 – 6, Moses repeated the commands and teachings of God to HIS people, to prepare them entering the Promised Land. After many centuries, people live in different places of the Earth, dividing in term of country. Physically and geographically, we may be settled down. However, we still wander in this world and are waiting to enter the Promised Land, which is also named as Heaven. Have we learned from the Children of Israel to get ourselves prepared well for the entry?

Some good Christians may go into Heaven directly after death. More common circumstance is landing to the Purgatory because the deceased carried some sins that must be cleansed first. The time in Purgatory varies and the Holy Souls couldn’t do anything to help themselves. So, it’s better for everyone to commit the least number of sins and do atonement as much as one can while we are wandering in this world.

God is the same living one, forever and ever. Hence, it’s no surprise to realize that HIS principles to children of Israel are also valid to us and many generations afterwards. The LORD is almighty and HE demands people following HIM wholly. This following requires knowing and taking action with one’s free will. Everybody can choose to be blessed and delivered by God or to become HIS enemy and keep ignoring HIM.

Our lifetime is the training period and we are in the wandering mode to learn God’s statues and judgments, to keep and do them. Precision is a must as we shouldn’t do more or less than God commanded. We also have the responsibility to teach our children about God, to prevent corruption happened generation after generation.

In case corruption happens, reconciliation with God is possible. Those who seek the LORD, they will find HIM but one must seek HIM with all his heart and all his soul. God will never forsake us. HE is just and will apply punishment according to one’s sin, for example, Moses was rejected for entering into the Promised Land in his lifetime.

God never hides the secret of how people can get well-prepared to the Promised Land. HE keeps giving instructions to HIS people on how to wander fruitfully. HE not only guides, but also protects HIS people, we have nothing to fear. Never forget God, but love HIM with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength. We will find ourselves easier to focus on observing HIS rules and resisting temptations by worshiping the LORD only, without any idols such as devils and any of HIS creations.  

Let’s pray to God:

O, merciful God, Your salvation never expires providing that we seek You with all our heart, soul and strength. Help us love like Christ and learn to wander in this world fruitfully by walking on Your path to the Promised Land. Amen.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Learn from God's Justice

Be fair to God and to our neighbors correctly.

In Numbers 25 – 36, God promoted justice in HIS commands. Don’t insist on equality solely in every occasion. Be mindful that God’s mercy and love to people are incomparable.

Everybody is free to choose

God punished Israel’s harlotry in Moab because they chose to sin against HIM. HE sent plague that stopped only when atonement was made for the Congregation by killing the offenders. We can choose to be blessed or damned.

Everybody gets a share

God commanded that land should be divided for inheritance. Larger tribe would have larger inheritance; smaller tribe smaller inheritance. Distribution by size aimed at leaving out none of the tribe or family.

The sharing of God’s grace is for all. God’s Inheritance Laws further extended to daughters if their fathers got no son to inherit the land. Neither seizure by marriage nor by force was allowed among children of Israel.

Earn leadership on one’s own merits

Fairness is still applicable for things that can’t be shared, for example, leadership. God selected Joshua to be the next leader after Moses because his faithfulness to the LORD was a marked difference, entitling him to such great honor and responsibility.

Love God in return

There were various offerings to God at different times in a year. God owns everything. The articles involved are insignificant; it is the continuous memory, reverence and obedience to God that count.

Fairness for vow

God gave father and husband the power to confirm or void the vow made by his daughter or wife. They must do their duty faithfully. Also, everybody should offer no false vow to God.

Be at God’s side

God is full of goodness. Be cooperative with the LORD to avoid being HIS enemies and suffering from decline like Midianites. One’s possession won’t become plunder to be divided by others.

Play fair in God’s plan

The Congregation must go into wars to drive out the inhabitants of the land. God demands HIS people following HIM wholly. Some tribes settled first but they would be armed and fought the wars until all children of Israel have settled down with inheritance of land.

Exercise restricted mercy to accidental manslaughter

God commanded to have cities of refuge so that whoever killed a person accidentally might not die until he stood before the congregation. That person was liable to be killed by the avenger if he was outside the city of refuge.

Other justice

God demanded witness, which shouldn’t be just one. Also, there should be no ransom for the life of a murderer. No pollution to the land with blood as this is defilement.

God wants all people enjoy HIS blessings. Comply with HIS laws to be blameless and be blessed.

Let’s pray to God:

Our loving Father, Your justice is supreme, glory to You. Please help us understand the underlying love and mercy You granted us. Let us treat our neighbors righteously by spreading Your principles all over the world. Amen.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fully Obey All the Way

Cooperate with God with full obedience every time, forever and ever.

In Numbers 20 – 24, God is consistent with HIS demands and judgments. HE gave HIS people clearly instructions to follow. Failure to obey with exactness, those people received punishment according to his bad deed or mistake, no exemption granted.

The LORD commanded Moses to speak to the rock for water but he was too carried away by anger and hit the rock twice instead. By violating precision, Moses failed in belief to God and hallowing HIM in the front of HIS people. God is just. HE forgives people but punishment is still justifiable. Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land in his life. Let’s dispel our anger shortly lest it will lead us sinning against God.

God punished many kings for their refusal to let children of Israel pass through. Never fear your enemy if you are walking with God. Seek help from the LORD by praying for HIS deliverance. Cooperate with God when dealing with HIS people so that you won’t be counted as against HIM. Pride or being ignorant of God’s omnipotence invites one’s decline as nobody could resist HIS power and change HIS plan.

Obeying God thoroughly is a lifetime requirement. Unfortunately, children of Israel complained against God and Moses again and again. This definitely irritated God. HE sent the fiery serpents among the people, who finally confessed their sin, repented and asked Moses praying to God to relieve them.

Complaint against God is a wicked practice that tears people away from HIM, leaving the offenders unprotected like a helpless orphan exposing to all kinds of dangers. Avoidable damages become inevitable until people reconciled with God properly.

Balak sent for Balaam to curse Israel. His wish never came true because it was against God’s will. The LORD instructed Balaam to speak exactly what HE told him, neither more nor less. We should never go beyond God’s word.

Balaam needed God to open his eyes to see the angel of the LORD finally. We ought to pray to God for opening our eyes so that we won’t walk against HIM. Implore HIM for direction and follow the reply with full confidence and belief.

In Balaam’s case, God put word in his mouth to help him cope with Balak appropriately. Be contented and ready for God to use us as HIS tool in fulfilling HIS plan. Balaam blessed Israel bountifully. He didn’t come to please any man no matter how rich and earnest the requested party was.

Nobody can reverse God’s command based on his own will. God’s blessing is invaluable. It kept children of Israel away from their enemies and be unbeatable. Without God’s consent, changing the places to perform the cursing won’t work.

Let’s pray to God:

O LORD, glory to Your Omnipotence. Open our eyes, ears, mind and heart to notice and understand Your will so that we could ask for help correctly and be cooperative to realize Your plan first. Amen.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Same for All

God’s commands are “one law for all”. Whoever violates HIS rules would be punished.
In Numbers 15 – 19, God gave more laws and emphasized “One law for all” over again. HE demands children of Israel and the strangers dwelling among them exact observance to HIS arrangements. Challenging Moses or Aaron was equivalent to rejecting God, and the rebels paid their price for their wickedness.

God’s rules are given to help people live their life uprightly. We must keep them strictly as a way to return our love to HIM. Nowadays, people have a lot of things to worry and tend to abandon precision easily. The reckless attitude affects our behaviors, contributing to our loose relationship with God.

Don’t let our self-will dominate and magnify. Place God as the chief in our heart; cultivate our love and patience to serve HIM with full correctness for every task HE entrusted us.

God knew that people are forgetful. HE instructed children of Israel to have tassels on garments to help them remember all HIS commandments and be holy for HIM. Today, we can print the laws in big poster or pocket-size card, save them in cell phones or tablets. Do whatever we can to remind ourselves God’s rules and act accordingly with exactness.

One law one custom for Israel and the strangers who dwelled with them, God requested HIS people to assimilate others on earth to follow HIS commandments. God’s love is open to all people. A competent God’s servant ought to assimilate others obeying the LORD rather than being assimilated to sin against HIM.

Same for all is not only about following all God’s rules, but also be contented in our given position, authority and duty. Don’t challenge God’s choice and behave like those who complained against Moses and Aaron for being more exalted in the assembly. This is a sign of rejecting God and the wicked people were severely punished.

Direct complaint was unacceptable, so did murmur against Moses and Aaron for the rebels’ deaths. The murmur only suggested that people didn’t understand and care the sinners’ offense to God. The LORD punished them with plague. Never make God angry by participating in evil plot directly or express support for the wicked people.

We should learn from Moses as he prayed to God for mercy without committing the same sin even he lived among the Congregation.

The budding of Aaron’s rod was God’s declaration to stop the complaints of the children of Israel against Moses and Aaron. The duties and offerings in relation to priesthood, and then to Levites were stated.

The LORD requires us full submission to all HIS arrangements. HE will exalt the strict observers and punish those who exalt themselves or rebel against HIM.

Let’s pray to God:

Our heavenly Father, You are the most just adjudicator. Help us maximize our strength and deactivate our weakness, be contented in our roles and duties, obey Your laws strictly and live our every minute with love to You and to our neighbors. Amen.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Never Test God

Have we tested God? Children of Israel did so and got punishments.

In Numbers 11 – 14, God was in wrath because children of Israel were unthankful and kept complaining. They didn’t believe in God but wanted their own way.

Facing many complaints, Moses had difficulty in bearing the burden. He must seek God’s support. He also interceded with God for HIS people.

After God burning the complaining guys, people wanted to eat flesh and HE provided quail. Nothing is impossible to the LORD because HE has full control over everything, including who could receive the Spirit and prophesied for HIM. No man can interfere with HIM.

God keeps a record for everyone and punishes people according to their own deeds. HE punished people with plague due to their craving for eating flesh.

Craving blinds people taking things for granted, thinking God as a magician that must provide if we ask; otherwise, we complain to God without reverence. We fail to appreciate HIS blessings to us and become greedier than ever.

Craving tears us away from God. We forget to thank and praise the LORD, but blame HIM and produce dirty tricks to satisfy our wicked appetite. Many people don’t ask for the right thing, don’t trust in God for the best alternative, and they disbelieve HIM.

Besides greed, jealousy is another man’s common failing. Aaron and Miriam complained to the LORD because they envied Moses. Miriam was punished with leprosy for seven days. Respect God’s faithful servant and never speak against HIM or challenge the given authority.

When God is with us, we should fear nothing. However, children of Israel forgot HIS omnipotence and acted upon their fear. They refused to enter Canaan after hearing the report of giants living there. They blamed God for sending them into the wild and wanted to return to Egypt. They didn’t recall God’s wondrous works and almost stoned Joshua and Caleb, who believed in HIM and suggested fear not.

God granted Israel pardon because Moses interceded again. The rebels received death penalty. The punishment for the rest was neither one could see the Promised Land except Joshua and Caleb and they had to stay in the wild for 40 years.

Children of Israel launched an attack afterwards, without God’s command and so, the effort became futile. Without God, man is nothing.

Learn a lesson and do some self-examination. Are we like children of Israel? For example, being unthankful, envying others, disbelieving God for knowing and giving us the best, misusing HIS love to us. Have we forgotten HIS wondrous works and do not fear HIM? In short, we may not know the LORD well enough, or even refuse to know HIM so that we could do whatever we like.

Whoever tests God is sin against HIM and will be punished.

Let’s pray to God:

Our merciful Father, please help us cultivate our faith and be thankful to You. Give us the wisdom to ask for Your help aptly. Never test nor transgress You forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Seek God’s Guidance

God’s guidance is free and abundant. Seek and we will get it.

In Numbers 5 – 10, God gave a lot of commands to guide HIS people, to show them the correct path to take in one’s life. Any questions, ask the LORD and HE will answer.

God never reserves HIS good advice. HE told children of Israel how to avoid uncleanness. Handle defilement properly, the whole congregation might not be corrupted easily.

The LORD also told HIS people how to do confession and restitution, handle the jealousy of the husband to his wife, perform the law of Nazarite unerring, etc. HE also taught the priests to bless appropriately. God’s commands are to do good.

God never abandons us after leaving commands. Children of Israel asked the LORD how to keep the Passover if they were defiled by a human corpse and they got HIS answer. Don’t do things according to your own will but ask God to know and do HIS.

God demands a strict observance not just from children of Israel but also from the stranger and the native of the land as well. One ordinance for all, this is a clear message that there is only one living God to obey and worship.

God knows everything and HE is full of goodness. HIS commands help Israel to be in good order to journey and camp. HE also accompanied them in the form of cloud (day) and fire (night). We learn the correct principles and develop good habits in worshiping HIM effectively by following the LORD’s orders non-stop.

The LORD gave commands to train HIS people listening to the trumpets and acting with apposite response to remember HIM.

Nowadays, have we forgotten to consult God for everything we do? We often travel our life journey alone. We check all the information on the Internet, ask our acquaintances for advice, read books to get tips and so on, and thought our efforts are good enough. Many people never pray to God for advice and wait patiently for an answer. The over-independence is a result of exalting oneself, leading us to overlook God’s presence and HIS graces to us.

Self-reliance and pride often occupy one’s mind so intense that people fail to remember God, not to mention listening to HIM and discovering HIS subtle way in giving commands to them. They blame God for no help when they never study the Bible, nor do according to HIS word, nor ask and listen, nor have faith in HIM. 

God guides us through the Holy Spirit. Its arrival and staying behind to guard and guide us is a great blessing to the chosen people. We ought to pray for more faith in God and cleanse our heart and mind so that we could hear the little voice of our guardian angel.

Let’s pray to God:

Our loving Father, I thank You for Your incessant guidance. Please help us heed the advice of the Holy Spirit and plunge in the ocean of Your blessings without reserve. Amen.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dedicate your Work to God

Do all the duties with great love to please our big boss -- God.

In Numbers 1 – 4, God commanded Moses to carry out the first census of Israel and then the census of the Levites, separately. Duties assigned and division of labors took place. Everyone has his own part in God’s plan. The LORD is our big boss, the Highest.

Faithful to God, Moses numbered the children of Israel that were able to fight in war, and then the tribe of Levi that got special duties – serving in the tabernacle wherever they go.

Result of the first census confirmed God’s promises to Abraham and Jacob – multiply their descendants. Numbered by armies, the huge sum was an asset granted by God to help HIS people enter the Promised Land later.

God gave the tribe of Levi to Aaron and his sons as a gift to help them. Census done and specific duties assigned to each family, division of labor was adopted. Aaron and his sons focused on their priesthood; the Levites took care of the setup, running, and moving of the Tabernacle.

Including the Levites, people shouldn’t attend service not assigned by God to them lest they die. They could neither exchange duties nor refuse to do the assignments according to their own will. Be content with the given jobs even though they are small ones and contribute in the collective force. We ought to serve God with great love and fidelity.

God is a very considerate boss. HE never gives people duties more than they could handle. Individual assignments all well-done, the collective force will be able to keep God’s requirements and yield prosperity. The opposite is non-conformity and decline as any bad example is infectious and corrupts people easily. God gives HIS people the best, including the freedom to choose to comply with HIS laws or not.

Nowadays people have multi-roles and our life is very busy in fulfilling the requirements of different roles. Do we overlook the truth that the Creator (God) actually is our big boss? Have we served with great love for all our duties? Have we given a cold response or an absolute refusal when we are invited to serve the little ones for God’s sake?

Many people have no idea that God in fact is our big boss. Some people believe they are their own boss and can do whatever they like; whereas, many others like to boss around, to order anyone whom they could grasp at, to exercise their self-will only.

With failures to identify the true big boss, we will never think of finding out HIS will and act accordingly. Our toil could be in vain and we might be worse off due to the fruitless consumption.

Let’s pray to God:

O LORD, You are our big boss. Please help us know Your will and commands, and serve You in all the tasks, big or small, willing or unwilling, with full loyalty and great love. May Your glory be known forever and ever! Amen.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Graces or Punishments

God loves people so much that HE gives us the freedom to choose. We are fully responsible for our fate.

In Leviticus 26 – 27, God spoke explicitly. Keep HIS statues, people could receive blessings. Contradict to HIM, people would receive punishments instead.

In the covenant with men, God demanded us sole loyalty and strict observance of HIS laws. HE gives us the honor to choose for ourselves: comply with or disregard HIS rules. The LORD knows everything; we can’t hide from HIM or cheat HIM. The corresponding consequences, blessings or punishments, run without error.

God foresaw man’s failings and mentioned the remedy. In whatever circumstance, people are liable to use their free will to choose and pay efforts. We ought to keep God’s rules sternly with persistence to create well-being. No shortcut. No exemption.

Blessings from God:

1)      Graces such as rain, fertility of the land, abundant food supply.
2)      Dwelling safety from evil beasts and enemies.
3)      Prosperity.
4)      God’s presence.
5)      Free from slavery.

Praise God for all the blessings and never take them for granted lest we fail to be thankful.

Punishments from God:

1st stage:
1)      Terror over sinners.
2)      Wasting disease and fever.
3)      Toil in vain.
4)      No more God’s presence.
5)      Being defeated by enemies.
6)      Fleeing with fright.

2nd stage: (seven times more than the sins)
7)      Strike to the wrong idols.
8)      Toil in vain and infertility of the land.

3rd stage: (ditto)
9)      Plagues
10)  Wild beasts killing men and livestock.
11)  Desolation of the marketplace.

4th stage: (ditto)
12)  War.
13)  Pestilence.
14)  Cutting the food source and hunger spread.

5th stage: (ditto)
15)  Eating sons and daughters to quench hunger.
16)  Destruction of the high place, people, etc.
17)  Cities to be desolated like the wild areas and sanctuary a ruin. No offerings can please God.
18)  Own land left empty.
19)  Dwelling in the land of their enemies to waste away.
20)  Decline of the nation.

Staying in comfort, people often drown in forgetfulness and recklessness. Gradually, they become lawless, disobey God and break HIS covenant. The several stages of punishments hint that the LORD is slow in wrath and always welcome people to reconcile with HIM. HE refuses to break the covenant and forsakes the Human. God’s love is incomparably magnanimous.

To reconcile with God, people must confess, be humbled and are willing to make atonement for all sins. God will remember the covenant with Jacob…and be with us.

God is the Creator. HE has the right to set the redeemed price and rules for man, animal, house, a field of one’s possession…We are precious if we will ourselves to obey God and act righteously in HIS delight; otherwise, we worth nothing.

Let’s pray to God:

Jesus Christ, our Lord, praise to You for using your free will to complete God’s salvation. Help us apply our free will to follow God’s word, love HIM, obey HIM and keep the covenant with HIM forever. Amen.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Glorify God up to Standard

Be holy and remember God, to worship HIM unerringly, at the utmost.

In Leviticus 21 to 25, God gave further commands on being holy and pure, on things acceptable and things not, on the feasts to participate.

Regulations for Conduct of Priests:

Priests must be holy and follow specific rules. They shouldn’t be defiled by the self or by other people, dead or alive. Their family must avoid defilement lest they may die.

Among their descendants, whoever has a defect couldn’t be the priest. He should not come to offer the bread of HIS God and profane HIS sanctuaries. Kinship will never be a pardon for breaking the rules and offending God.

There are restrictions on who can eat the holy offerings and under what conditions. Offenders will receive punishments accordingly.

Some offerings are unacceptable, for example, having a defect, not offering with a free will. Kill the related animals exactly to God’s requirements. Also, eat the offerings before the deadline.

Priests must be holy and pure as God is the one consecrated them and HE is holy, otherwise corruption will spread like cancer, contaminating the whole assembly.

Feasts of the LORD:

Priests have the responsibility for proclaiming and arranging various feasts of the LORD (holy convocations). They must teach HIS people the things to prepare and what to do for each feast as below:

1)      Sabbath
2)      The Passover and Unleavened Bread
3)      The Feast of Firstfruits
4)      The Feast of Weeks
5)      The Feast of Trumpets
6)      The Day of Atonement
7)      The Feast of Tabernacles

People should not do customary work, but should devote all their time, mind and energy in worshiping the LORD in the feasts. Nowadays, we have the latest list of feasts to celebrate wholeheartedly. The spirit of putting God first and worshiping HIM with rites never changes and is absolutely necessary. Don’t let worldly things distract us from singing our praise to God, offering thanksgiving to HIM, repenting and making atonement to reconcile with HIM.

Other statutes from God:

Priests should heed statues below and remind people of stern observance at times.

1)      Care of the Tabernacle Lamps
2)      The Bread of the Tabernacle
3)      The Penalty for Blasphemy
4)      The Sabbath of the Seventh Year
5)      The Year of Jubilee
6)      Provisions for the Seventh Year
7)      Redemption of Property
8)      Lending to the Poor
9)      The Law Concerning Slavery

Keeping God’s statues, children of Israel would remember HIM and resist forgetfulness, which could turn them to lawless and sin against HIM easily. The LORD owns everything, not men. HE found redemption, help and mercy to work among HIS people. HIS laws are full of loving-kindness and aim at the best concern to men.

Let’s pray to God:

Our Heavenly Father, glory to You. Thanks for teaching us how to attain well-being and worship You properly, including the participation in different feasts and rites. Please help us pour out praises to You and render Your magnificent love at the very best. Amen.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Be Holy and Pure

Observe God’s rules sternly to amplify HIS love to us.

In Leviticus 17 -20, God taught Children of Israel how to be holy and pure. The laws cover many aspects in our daily life. Strict observation yields well-being, saving us from sin.

The Sanctity of Blood:

Don’t shed blood and eat blood of any flesh. We are neither barbarian nor other animals that couldn’t think like humans but kill merely for survival. Blood signifies life. We must pay respect to life as it is a precious gift from God.

Man eat man is unacceptable, so is simply killing one another. Wars, invasion, massacre and put down a rebellion often shed blood, in large scale. We must learn from history and stop the ruthless or brutal events from happening again.

Though many countries have laws to protect their civilian, many people still shed blood to satisfy one’s hunting desire, bloody nature, or violent tendency. Others did so out of anger or revenge. Some committed suicide to end their temporal or chronic depression and suffering.

Kill people without exposing blood also offends God, for example, poisoning. Man has no right to transcend the LORD and take away his or others’ life. God creates us; don’t get defiled.

Laws of Sexual Morality:

Keep God’s statues and HIS judgments. Be loyal to the LORD and your spouse. Do not commit incest, adultery, sex with the same gender and sex with other kinds of animals. Sex should happen between husband and wife only. Violation defiles the self, other people concerned and marriage (if there is any), which is one of the seven sacraments granted by God due to sacramental grace.

Moral and Ceremonial Laws:

God gave people a lot of commands under this topic to show us what ought to be done to love HIM, the self and our neighbors properly, and live righteously.

Worship the only living God. Do not commit idolatry. Don’t profane HIS name. We must respect others, and help the poor and the strangers. Deal with other people honestly and do not harm them through gossip, threatening their life, taking revenge, stealing, cheating and so on.

Penalties for Breaking the Law:

God’s penalties vary. Some examples are: put to death, set HIS face against that person, cut him off from his people, to be childless and force the sinners leaving their dwelling place.

Nowadays, people may be charged and received punishment for their bad deeds. Some cases may not go to court and the lawless men keep doing evils. But God will judge and punish everyone accordingly, no exemption for sure.

God loves human beings so much that HE exhorts us to behave properly in all aspects of life. We are responsible to keep HIS rules sternly lest we beget disgrace and destruction.

Let’s pray to God:

Savior Jesus, You are the perfect observer of God’s rules and never sin in Your life. Please help us be firm against all kinds of temptations that are prevailing around us albeit their popularity. Amen.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Day of Atonement

Pay heed to God’s commands and do atonement properly in a regular basis.

In Leviticus 16, God gave clear instructions on the requirements and the procedures to be fulfilled on the Day of Atonement, which was to be held annually.

Into the Holy Place:

Aaron and other priests shouldn’t enter just any time into the Holy Place inside the veil lest they die. To enter properly, they must wash body, wear the holy garments (specially designed for the priests), and bring along the animals for offerings…

Nowadays, the church is the Holy Place. Preparation of the altar, the chalice, the corporal and the burse will be done before the mass. Priests ought to wash their hands, say specific prayers when they are vesting in the sacristy with a unique sequence: the amice, the alb, the cincture, the maniple, the stole and finally, the chasuble.

There is no standard clothing for the church members and yet we must dress decently. No sleeveless garment and shorts to show the bare arms and legs. No sexy clothing.

Offerings to God changed after Christ and priests live on the money donated now. Everyone silences their cell phone and pager so that the ringtone won’t interrupt the mass.

Compulsory rituals:

According to God’s commands, Aaron (priest) must make atonement for himself and his house, the Holy Sanctuary, the tabernacle, the altar, and all the people of the assembly. The rituals involved killing and burning the animal, sprinkling its blood and freeing the scapegoat. For helpers in the burning and the freeing, they must wash their clothes and body before re-entering into the camp.

Nowadays, a mass is composed of several rituals namely Introductory Rite, Penitential Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion Rite and Concluding Rite. We repent and receive the Communion to strengthen our faith.

Rules to observe:

The Day of Atonement was held annually, on every 10th of July. People must afflict their souls and work not, but let the priests do atonement for them, to cleanse them so that they could be clean from all their sins before the LORD.

Nowadays, we can confess our sins and do atonement more often. We say the prayer Act of Contrition; have Penitential Rite in the mass and Reconciliation of Individual Penitents. The minimum requirement for the last one is like the old days -- once a year.

We could afflict our souls every Friday with fasting – eat no meats, cut entertainment, do volunteer work and give alms. If possible, don’t work but take a good rest on Sunday.

Major or minor, sin separates us from God. To reconcile with the LORD, atonement is vital to free us from sins so that we could enjoy HIS presence. We can’t be lazy and careless on this crucial issue.

Let’s pray to God:

The merciful LORD, thanks for Your loving-kindness and forgiveness. Pray that more people confess their sins to You, be forgiven, reconcile with You, and in praise of Your glory shortly and forever. Amen.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Clean and Unclean

Be alert to the clean and the unclean, and keep clean all the time.

In Leviticus 11 – 15, God instructed children of Israel how to distinguish between the clean and the unclean, and how to cleanse the self.

Clean and unclean laws:

1)      Foods permitted and forbidden

God told HIS people what animals they could eat and what not, and the criteria to discern.

2)      Unclean animals

Children of Israel shouldn’t eat or touch the unclean animals. No touching on carcasses as well. Detect the unclean, handle the contaminated items properly, for example, wash, break, and complete the necessary steps to be clean again.

3)      After childbirth

The unclean period differed and depended on the gender of the baby. When the days of purification were fulfilled, the concerned woman must seek the priest’s help -- make atonement for her with burnt offering and sin offering, and she would be clean.

4)      Leprosy

Concerning the illness below, priests played a vital role to examine, discern and pronounce people clean or unclean, and handle offerings to make atonement for them.

a)      Leprous sore
b)      Old leprosy
c)      A boil
d)      A burn
e)      Scaly sore
f)       Leprosy breaking out on one’s bald head or on his forehead

Restraints should be observed during the unclean period. The healed leper must undergo the ritual to get cleansed. Besides body, garment and house could also be unclean due to the spread of the plague. After priest’s examination and discernment, proper handling, for example, to clean or to destroy, ought to take place.

5)      Bodily discharges

The discharges include semen from men, blood (menstruation) from women. Belongings of the unclean people such as bed, seat, and clothes also required cleaning.

God loves and cherishes HIS people. We ought to consecrate ourselves and be holy rather than defile ourselves. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish between the clean and the unclean, observe the laws to stay clean and cleanse ourselves all the time; otherwise, we will suffer from the bad consequences of all kinds of contamination to our body, mind and heart in particular.

Nowadays, we pray to God, wash our body with water and soap to get rid of the dirt, have medical treatment to cope with illness, visit the Church to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness via the penitential rite in the mass and reconciliation of individual penitents. Remaining unclean will only prolong our corruption, drown us in forgetfulness, feed us indifference and lead us sin more in the lawless status.

Stop disrespecting God. Purify ourselves shortly and thoroughly. God knows the best for us. So, keep HIS laws sternly and never be shy to confess our sins with the priests. Make atonement and be clean again without delay lest we lost HIS presence, love and mercy.

Let’s pray to God:

Our heavenly Father, give us wisdom to discern and avoid the unclean, and do the purification shortly if necessary. Save our body, heart and mind from being defiled and strengthen us to observe Your laws firmly. Amen.